Earth Water
Mar 10, 2022What a beautiful Earth Water
3/4 of this earth is made up of water
just - like - Us
When we are born
In the womb, we float in beautiful liquid We feed from a mother womb
We are one with another human
Her vibration
We breathe with her
She breathes with us
We are born in the womb and the water comes, gushing out, and then we breathe out - our first breath
We are on this Earth Water
Holding us
Loving us
Feeding us
Quenching our thirst
Of this life form we Be
Today hold this Earth Water of Being
In all sacred being of life
Be in the knowing that we are One with this amazing Earth Water
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for giving me life
With all the Joy of this life time
Today and always
Loving and The Knowing Within,
Julia Carmen