Who's Got Your Back?
Mar 10, 2022Who’s got your back?
Have you ever seen your Back?
Do you know every inch of your Back?
I have wondered, “where did ‘that’ phrase come from? I guess we could google it but lets just play for a moment.
Our backs are a large part of the body and yet we are not able to fully See it. Those around us will see our backs fully with one good look.
Does everyone that fully sees our backs, Have Us? Have you? Probably no and may be yes.
Who has your Back?
Who do we trust? To have our backs?
Trusting Ones self to know.
Who’s Got Your Back?
Join us on a journey at one of our upcoming retreats
Explore the You within All the knowings of You.
Blessings to Us all as We Be in the All of this life.