The Magical Papers -

Discover Your Archetype

Join Julia for a powerful four-week self-paced workshop

In this four-week experience, you'll be guided by Julia to discover, explore, and understand your archetype and how it guides your soul experience.Ā 

Your registration includes:

  • Access to an online workshopĀ featuring four video lessons from Julia
  • An online community to share reflections and connect with others
  • Downloadable resources and guides to support your ongoing experience.

Registration is opening soon with two payment options!


Be first to know when registration is open.

Level 1

Your Archetype

Join Julia for this first chapter of The Magical Papers, and explore your Archetype.

It's a stressful time right now -- and this is your invitation to connect, digitally, and find a deeper knowing of yourself as well as the anchoring of this online community.

Knowing your Archetype can help you move more freely and live with better understanding of your soul self.

You'll join Julia for this 150 minute webinar, dive deep into your archetype, and walk away with access to the webinar recording & transcript and a digital chapter from Julia's book, The Indigenous Soul.

Please contact Julia for upcoming dates.

Level 2

Your Soul Self

Tune Into Your Soul Self - The Magical Papers Level 2

Build on what you've learned of your archetype and apply that knowledge to a deeper knowing. Learn to LISTEN to the frequencies and vibrations that create YOU.  

You'll join Julia for this 150 minute webinar, learn about the four vibrations and how to listen deeply, and walk away with access to the webinar recording & transcript and a digital chapter from Julia's book, The Indigenous Soul.

College or High School Student? We've got a special for you. Send us a message to sign up with our special student rate!

*Attendance in The Magical Papers Level 1 is helpful but not required. 

"The Magical Papers is an empowering and insightful instrument Julia has masterfully devised to help others meet their soul-self. If you are curious on how you can "tap" into your own knowing, The Magical Papers webinar will offer you the tools to show you how. You will leave feeling fulfilled, grateful and a bit closer to understanding the divine."

-Coree Colbare

Level 3

Be Your Own Alchemist

What are the Magical Papers anyway? A guide. An invitation. A reminder. A calling.

In this Level 3 class, you'll learn the art of Alchemy in your own life. How you can tap into more of walking in both worlds -- the physical, and the non-physical.

This workshop will equip you with more than you can imagine and help you navigate these uncertain waters with the confidence of your own Knowing.

*Level 1 and 2 are suggested, but not required.

You'll join Julia for this 150 minute webinar, learn about the four vibrations and how to listen deeply, and walk away with access to the webinar recording & transcript and a digital chapter from Julia's book, The Indigenous Soul.

College or High School Student? We've got a special for you. Send us a message to sign up at our special student rate!