Welcome To the Dragonfly Circle
Curious about the Dragonflies?
Connect with the Dragonfly Guides by listening to the Indigenous Wisdom Podcast, or by purchasing your very own Dragonfly Card deck (available in limited quantities). With the card deck purchase, you also gain access to our Dragonfly Circle Community!

Meet Diamond Dragonfly
Explore the Dragonfly Circle via the Card Deck: each card has a front graphic of the Dragonfly's unique wing, and a back summary of their message. Pair the card with the full inspiring wing artwork and the Dragonfly's full message. With your purchase of the Dragonfly Card Deck, you also receive access to a private community space where you can listen to all of the Dragonfly messages and view each Dragonfly's wing.Β

Listen to Julia as she introduces the Dragonfly Story and shares how the Dragonflies have the power to transform your OWN knowing and your life.
You can also read the Dragonfly story below:

by Julia Carmen
I had a dream.Β The dream was an answer to a question.Β Am I on the right journey?Β Am I living like I am to Be living?
In my dream I was in a field of wild flowers upon a hill.Β In fact it was the hill that my sisters and I would run through in San Francisco, up on Raymond Ave. in the Valley.Β I am alone in my dream, and I am a young woman of 20 something.
I am walking through the fields and I see all the flowers and grass, colors so bright that I feel I have become the flowers and grass. I love the flowers and I see how much I love Me. Then the dragonflies show up, hundreds of them at first then thousands of them, and then I lose the sense of how many because it does not matter anymore. They all start talking to me at the same time. I ask them, please, one at a time!Β
A yellow one comes to me and tells me, "Shhhhh. Be still and listen to the Divine One, which is you as One. No longer be in not knowing. Your life is complete and you, my sweet one, know this. You have decided to be sad because of your departure from your old path. But know that this too will pass."Β
Blue dragonfly comes and looks me in the face, right in the face, nose to nose. (Do dragonflies have noses?) She asks me a question. "Hey girl, do you really think we have left you behind? Do you really think we do not guard you? Listen to me; you are loved beyond any LOVE you can imagine. Have faith in yourself, and us, that all is working for your good and happiness."
Red dragonfly chases me down the hill. He is male and full of fire and he says to me. "I am your new path of LIFE. I will bring into you, as you will do for me. I will assist you in your healing and in your sadness for your old path. Let me in my love. Let me in."
White dragonfly. "You are pure at heart, know this, you do not have to make any deals. You just Be who you are. Move forward and see that you are in your pure state of being and honor where you are at."
Purple dragonfly. "Divine One, know we are going to protect you. Hold on to your love of your Self and you will see how life for you will be peaceful. Let the universal life move through you in a way you have not allowed to in the past. Let your light be seen, by you and all those around you. In this you will let it all go."
Green dragonfly. "Earth Love, you are the earth. Be firm in your truth. Know that all may not agree with you but know that we are with you always."
Brown dragonfly. "Sound! Hear your sound. Know your sound. Feel your sound. Hold your sound and know that it is your love of it that keeps you with you and others."
Black dragonfly. "It's okay to move your life in the way You want to. Be free to show your Self to your Self."
See-through dragonfly. "No more illusions. See all that you need to see and know you do not have to look for anything outside yourself.β
Rainbow dragonflies. "All that you need is hope and faith in yourself. We bring to you, your happiness in life. Your pleasure in life continues on your path of Love and Dreams of your Love of Self."
Orange dragonfly. "Stillness in being who you are. Show Your Power. Show Your Power."
Black and white striped dragonfly. "Mix your life with all who come from the light of love. Stay away from anyone who is not. Join in the love of the word, work and world.Β Know that you can move in any of the worlds and know you have been chosen."
Happy dragonfly has the biggest smile I have ever seen on anyone β human, let alone a dragonfly. Happy dragonfly always smiling and singing, "βͺ Amen ββͺ Amenββͺ Amen β βͺ Amen β βͺ Amen β βͺ Sing it over -- βͺ Amen β βͺ Amen β βͺ Amen β βͺ Amen β βͺ Amen β βͺ Glory Hallelujah! βͺ"
All the dragonflies form a circle around me. I see one circle, then another and another, until it becomes a spiral, going on forever and ever. I cannot see the end of the spiral but know it has no end or beginning. And they all begin to sing to me. At first it sounds like a humming sound. But then I notice, it is the sound of their wings β like harp music.
They throw out what looks like a net. The net has all the colors of the dragonflies. It encircles me into a chrysalis. I watch as I am reborn, coming out of the chrysalis. I Am All Of The Dragonflies. I Am All Of Them - As ONE.
I Am All of the Dragonflies.
I Am All of Them β

Meet Julia
Julia Carmen was born with a gift of a Curandera de Alma (Seer of the Soul). Her gift of being able to see a person's true soul self has guided clients to quiet themselves to hear their own true divine soul self.