Where has the Time gone?
When thinking of time- the word Seek- comes up- and these questions come to mind.
What are we Seeking to See?
What is it that we Seek?
Are we the Seeker? Or is something Seeking us?
What is Seeking...
Trying to make sense out of the nonsense in the world?
Well… lets take a took at the word Nonsense
Lets look at what the dictionary has to say about Nonsense
Spoken or written words that have no meaning or make sense- he/she was talking absolute Nonsense.
Lets look at that word...
It's Honu day! Yay!
Ok...its called Hump day but why not start a new way of looking at Wednesdays
its time to take that Hump day and make it into a Honu day
A Retreat just for you
Missing something today?
Si, a trip to Be with the Honu's ...
Where has the Time gone?
When thinking of time- the word Seek- comes up- and these questions come to mind.
What are we Seeking to See?
What is it that we Seek?
Are we the Seeker? Or is something Seeking us?
What is Seeking...
What is Peace?
Where is Peace?
Si, the Peace we seek is within
‘the kingdom of heaven is within’
wow! to have a kingdom and heaven within.
A Rainbow is a sight to See
A Rainbow brings the Hope within
A Rainbow knows what we need
A Rainbow is who we are
A Rainbow is Love
Amen to all the Rainbows in our lives
See the Rainbow within and Know
As you Be
What a beautiful Earth Water
3/4 of this earth is made up of water
just - like - Us
When we are born
In the womb, we float in beautiful liquid We feed from a mother womb
We are one with another human
Her vibration
We breathe with her
She breathes...
What is Tribal Love?
What does it mean to be in a tribe?
A Tribe is when like minded people gather to "hold" and support each other in a loving way.
Yes, there may be a leader
And that leader
leads with a firmness of a Love
a Pureness of Being
No one follows
but all know who...
The Story of You
What Story are you Playing in your head?
Is it a comedy?
A romance?
You get the picture, right?
Today, when you feel a sense of all of the above
Or one of the above
Remember that it's a story
unless you think it is
In happiness
your thoughts...
Earth Sound - Aloha Aina'
(to love and respect the land)
To Hear the Earth Sound is to have
Aloha Aina' for her
Be in the Stillness of You
To be able to hear her sound
When we truly listen to the love and respect she has for Us
Then only do we
See what needs to be done...
Moving into the Spring of you may mean that you must release the old of being
The old thoughts that are dead on the vine of old
A plant will only grow more leaves when old ones are released (cut)
Ask yourselves
What am I holding on to,
that no longer servers me?
What would replace the old?
Happy Earth life today
Happy Earth Being today
Happy Earth Smell today
Happy Earth life today
As we stand on the Earth and Be in the thankfulness of Being, that we have this earth to stand on
this Earth
that holds Us all
with so much love and...
Birds of a feather flock together…Si’?
What does it mean to Flock together?
Click HERE for meaning of Birds of a Feather Flock together
Do we just “Flock with just any “Flock?
How do we know?
Do we follow our hearts?
Do we follow our mind/brain?
Both Heart...
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